Museum Of Arte Útil

The Museum of Arte Útil team stands in support of Tania Bruguera

Tania was arrested and freed three times last week for having organized a public performance in La Havana’s Plaza de la Revolución. She was detained with several other Cuban artists, activists, bloggers and journalists who participated in Yo Tambien Exijo campaign. The campaign arose after Castro and Obama’s declarations on Dec. 17 about  the restoration of diplomatic ties, potentially bringing an end to five decades of hostility. The first arrests were made on Tuesday (December 30) after Tania called a public performance whose aim was to leave an open microphone so that Cubans could freely express their thoughts (Tatlin’s wisper #6 – Havana Version).

The event has attracted widespread media coverage both in favour and against her action and a public letter in support of Tania addressed to Raúl Castro was written and signed by over a thousand people around the globe. The petter stated: ‘We firmly believe her detention, and the withdrawal of her Cuban passport, are inappropriate responses to a work of art that simply sought to open space for public discussion.’

We are relieved that Tania has been released, but are conscious of the troubles she might face from now on.

Tania, we are with you


An interesting comment about the recent events written by Coco Fusco and published via e-flux could be read here 

To follow all the developments please visit Yo También Exijo platform on Facebook or Twitter